Tomsk State Pedagogical University

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  • "Worried parents" project was launched in TSPU

"Worried parents" project was launched in TSPU

Students and teachers of the Faculty of Economics and Management of TSPU are participating in the "Worried parents" project, which started on 20 June 2016 with the support of the Tourist Information Center of the Tomsk Administration. The project is engaged within urban tourism educational and entrepreneurial clusters. On the eve of the project's start there was a meeting of the organizing committee, which discussed the content and implementation of the project. In addition to information about the city, which is advisory in nature, applicants and parents have received free maps of the city, to explore the city, where the future students are going to study and live. Students undergoing "Tourism" educational program have prepared tours for applicants and their parents and showed the academic buildings, dormitories and departments of the University. Nikitina Irina and Natalia Gorina have written guides for parents and students so they coluld receive comprehensive information about the university, the living conditions in the hostel, places of leisure and entertainment. Irina Nikitina says: "This project is part of the educational practice. We are confident that our tour of the TSPU will help applicants make the right choice and become successful students of our University. And we, in turn, obtain skills of guide work ".

The "Worried parents" projects will run until July 15, 2016.

For appointment and visiting tours please call: 8-952-800-78-17.

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