Tomsk State Pedagogical University


Students and employees of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University have presented Tomsk residents and guests of the city the volunteer programs of the university.

During the gathering of volunteer organizations of Tomsk region “DobroDen” TSPU has presented its volunteer organization called “Point of view”.

Elena Petrova, head of the “Alena Petrova charitable foundation”, greeted the volunteers:

"Volunteers are candles that light the path to the state and society," said Elena Petrova, who 10 years ago created a foundation that helps children with cancer. - As well as candles, the light of volunteers should be protected from gusts of wind. The state does this. There are already more than 50 volunteer organizations in Tomsk region. And I believe that...


"Culture of written speech. Lecture course. Practice " textbook  by the authors from the Faculty of History and Philology of the TSPU, Doctor of Philology, prof. A.V. Kuryanovich and Ph.D., Assoc. A.Yu. Sarkisov, took the III place in the nomination "Social and Humanistic Sciences" of the contest "University textbook-2017", that was organized by group of companies "Ai Pi Er Media" (Russia, Saratov).

The textbook is basic for studying the discipline "The Culture of Written Speech" - one of the key theoretical and applied sections of the university course "The Culture of Speech", which is a part of the basic part of the bachelors’ program. The structure and content of the textbook are determined by a many-sided consideration of writing as a type of speech activity from...

TSPU post-graduate student is a winner of UNIVERSITY STARS - 2017 INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION

The post-graduate student of the Department of Language Theory and Methods of Teaching the Russian Language of the IFP TSPU, Wang Xinghua (supervisor Prof. A.V. Kuryanovich) is the winner of the III International "University Stars - 2017" intellectual competition of students, undergraduates, graduate students, doctoral students in the nomination "Research Project" (direction "Philology") , organized in last year's December by the publishing center "RusAlliance Owl" (Russia, Moscow).

The topic of Wang Xinghua's work is "Linguistic and cultural potential of dictionaries of slang units (on the material of Russian and Chinese languages)."

The competition is held once a year in the framework of the projects "Intellectual Development of Young Scientists" and...

Happy student day!

Dear friends, I wish you a merry Student day!

Student years is a wonderful time, filled with important discoveries and knowledge!

Students of the Tomsk state pedagogical university is a team of active, creative and energetic people.

I wish all the students personal happiness, health, success in mastering the chosen profession and good luck on the path of life! Let your dedication not disappear with the years, and let your energy fulfil your dreams !

Rector of the TSPU V.V. Obuhov

SCIENTIFIC NEWSPAPER «SEARCH» ABOUT TSPU: «achievments and prospects»

«POISK» scientific newspaper has publsihed an article about the Tomsk State Pedagogical University called «It is all starts here». The history of the university,  information about up-to-date achivements and prospects, interview with the employees and leaders of student organizations – all this and more in the new issue of «Poisk» newspaper.

When designing the Teachers' Institute at the beginning of the 20th century, Fortunat Gut, the chief architect of the West Siberian Academic District, tried to combine beauty and practicality in his creation. The fascinating lines of the late modernist style and engineering approach made the building reliable and comdortable for living and to studying. In the pre-war years, the building of the first hostel was built, and...

Faculty on Foreign Languages keeps on studying the languages of Siberian people from Ob and Yenisei regions

In 2017, the Department of Languages ​​of the Peoples of Siberia of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the TSPU completed work on the project of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research "Typology of the relation category based on the Ob-Yenisei language" (supervised by A. Yu. Filchenko). The results of the research were published in authoritative journals on linguistics in Russia and abroad, and also presented at conferences of regional, Russian and international levels.

Studies on the new project will be carried out during three years, the analysis of the information structure of a simple sentence in this project assumes the presentation of a typological picture of the whole language area located in the Ob and Yenisei river basins based on the basic word order...

TSPU student is a master of sports of international category in sambo

The Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation has awarded the student of Tomsk State Pedagogical University Valeriya Anisimova with  a sporting title "Master of Sport of Russia of International Class" in sambo.

Such a great achivement was brought by Valeriya's victories in the last autumn at the World Junior Championships in Serbia and the European Cup among women in Spain. Valeriya had developed her skills by training at the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports at the TSPU as well as at the children's and youth sports school "Rus".

Cooperation of TSPU and Tyumen University in a sphere of inclusive education

Tomsk State Pedagogical University and Tyumen State University continue to work within the framework of the agreement on cooperation in the field of development of inclusive education.

The main goal of the cooperation is the creation of special conditions that ensure accessibility and high quality of higher education for people with disabilities, as well as creating conditions for their socio-cultural rehabilitation and employment (in accordance with the state program "Affordable Environment").

TSPU and Tyumen State University will continue to develop the Resource Training and Methodological Center for the Education of People with Disabilities and achieve completely new results of inclusive educational activities in...


On 22th of December  students and employees of the Tomsk state pedagogical university for the fifth time have organized «Space lesson» that took place in Korolev city in «Energy» museum.

Using an online broadcast provided by the State TV and Radio Company "Tomsk", kids from the Tomsk region as well as from Korolev and pupils of the Sirius Educational Center (Sochi) have met at the event. The main topic of the lesson was "Electromagnetic environment: Space Communication".


Among the experts of the lesson were: Hero of the Soviet Union, Pilot-Cosmonaut No. 57, Flight Director of the ISS Vladimir Solovyov; Soviet and Russian scientist, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director...

New year greetings from TSPU rector Obukhov

Dear friends!

Please recall only the kindest moment of this year. Make your dearest wishes and while the bells are pealing, enter the New year 2018 with confidence!

I wish you all the best! 

TSPU rector V.V.Obukhov