Tomsk State Pedagogical University

TSPU STUDENTS will perform "Snow queen" using sign language

On the eve of the New Year, students of Tomsk State Pedagogical University, teachers of the department of defectology, students of the elementary school for children with hearing impairments, have made a holiday gift for people with disabilities: a fairy tale "Snow Queen" in sign language will be held for pupils of specialized institutions.

The genre of the Sign Language Theater is not only accessible to the viewer with hearing impairment, but also represents a new art form, being a means of rehabilitation and socialization of children with disabilities. The features of such performance is in the scenic expressiveness of the bright language of gestures and facial expressions that replace ordinary speech. Sign performance is also of...

TSPU students are «future of Tomsk region»

Governor of the Tomsk region have met with the students of Tomsk universities – holders of the governor scholarships – and awarded them with the medals «The future of the Tomsk region». Student of the faculty of economics and management of the TSPU  Ngatsongo Oba Belsa Eduard from Kongo has received a personal reward. Matiukhina Mariia Viktorovna, second year postgraduate student of the faculty of foreign languages of the TSPU has been awarded with the sign «The future of the Tomsk region».

"You really are the future of our region, the region that is based on the development of science and higher education", - said Sergey Zhvachkin.

The new honorary sign depicts a nutcracker holding a nut in his beak....


The team of the Faculty of Psychological, Pedagogical and Special Education of the TSPU under the direction of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Defectology Department Galina Petrovna Obnosova won the regional stage of the All-Russian Students' Competition in Special Pedagogy and Psychology "Psychological and pedagogical support of children with health limitations and their families". Professional competition was held in Novosibirsk. The honor of the university was defended by students of 653 groups Davletova Mariam, Proskuryakova Oksana and Korchemkina Ekaterina.

In addition to the first degree diploma for the victory, as well as the third-degree diploma for successful participation in the project...

«Art Chaos» exhibition at Tomsk

On December 22 from 12.00 to 14.00 at «Izumrudny gorod» shopping center an interactive exhibition «Art Chaos garbage wind» will take place.

The main goal of the program is to form a sense of environmental responsibility among Tomsk citizens and residents of the region through the reasonable restriction in the consumption and even a complete from using items that cause irreparable harm to nature, as well as reasonable attitude to waste processing. Through creative activity (the creation of art), the project organizers seek to change attitudes towards garbage and form a sense of environmental responsibility among schoolchildren.

On Friday, December 22, during the interactive exhibition, the winners will be picked in four...


The first linguo-festival organized by specialists of the faculty of foreign languages took place at the scientific library of TSPU.

Essentially it was a contest between foreign students that don’t speak Russian as native language. Among those ones willing to participate in the event were not only TSPU students but also guys from Tomsk State University, Tomsk Polytechnic University and Siberian State Medical University. 

All the participants have to prepare two numbers – a song and a poem in Russian and in their native language. In the final stage of the contest six songs and eleven poems were chosen to be performed during the gala concert. The numbers were rated by the professional jury consisted of the professors and...


Students of the faculty of Economics and management together with the teacher of department of economical theory K. A. Santotskaia have visited the Inter-regional forum for raising of financial literacy level among students and youth, that was conducted at Novosibirsk state pedagogical university. 

The main goal of the event was to attract attention to the topic of financial literacy, as well as the formation of active economic behavior, raising the relevance of financial decisions, organizing a financial education system and preventing of scams. Among the participants were students from Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Gorno-Altaisk, Biysk, Barnaul.

Topical issues of modern youth were takes into account while preparing the...

THE PROJECT BY TSPU STUDENT HAD WON in the "city and university" international contest

On November 30 the contest "City and University" was held. It was aimed at identifying and supporting the authors of student projects dedicated to solving urgent problems of the development of university cities. The resident of the Business Incubator of the TSPU Vladislav Malakhov became the winner of the contest.

The contest consisted of two stages: duting the first stage, 48 works from 13 universities of Russia were submitted and reviewd, and second stage included life presentation of works in three directions, such as, "The potential of my university for the development of the city", "How to improve my campus" , "University and city is my choice".  In the "University and city - my choice" nomination won one of the...


XI competition of professional skill and creativity "Pedagogical debut" had finished at the Tomsk State Pedagogical University in a solemn atmosphere.

For three weeks ten student teams of the university competed with each other in a series of professional pedagogical tests. Participants were given the opportunity to demonstrate thie level of knowledge; present their approach to the organization and conduction of the training sessiosn and career-oriented workshops; to present the creative performance of the team.

Participants of the "Pedagogical Debut" were assessed not only by professional experts in the...

ONLINE CONFERENCE with Brazilian colleagues at TSPU

Students and employees of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University held a teleconference with colleagues from the Federal Institute of Joués de Fora (Brazil). For many years, the two universities have maintained successful cooperation, especially regarding the programs of student academic exchanges.

Students from Brazil were interested in the possibilities of entering the master program of the TSPU, designed for foreign students. A special attention was drawn to the faculty of physics and mathematic (FPM) : students asked about the activities of FPM, extracurricular work of students and further plans for new areas of training at the faculty. All questions were answered in detail by the dean Elena Piagnykh and students.


TSPU at the II International Forum of University Cities

Tomsk State Pedagogical University will take part in the II International Forum of University Cities "Energy of the University for the Development of the City and the Region", which will be held in Tomsk from November 30 to December 2. The main goals of 2017 is to increase the influence of the university in the development of the digital economy and the social sector of the regions, the partnership between government, business sector and universites aimed to respond the social, urban and economic challenges.

TSPU will organize a discussion platform "Students' Self-Realization in Polyethnic Cultural Space: Needs, Dreams, Goals", at which participants will consider current issues of self-actualization of Russian and foreign students in polyethnic culture as one of the...