Tomsk State Pedagogical University


On May 14th, 2014 a delegation of Russian language teachers from Indonesia, Mongolia, Vietnam and India visited TSPU on a professional development programme “Teaching Russian as a foreign language”.

The guests learnt different programmes: presentation of Tomsk State Pedagogical University, programmes and projects aimed at the development of educational cooperation and promotion of our university in the Asia-Pacific region. The teachers visited the exhibition of pedagogical innovation education and the Museum “Magic World” named after A.M. Volkov.


Dear colleagues and friends! Please accept my sincere congratulations on the Victory Day! No matter how many years have passed since May 1945, we never forget heroism, courage and bravery of the generation who defended our fatherland. I wish our dear veterans, the entire staff of Tomsk State Pedagogical University, good health, happiness, well-being, confidence in the future and peace! TSPU

Rector V.V. Obukhov


Russian Science Citation Index has updated indicators of universities. Data of April 17, 2014: Hirsch Index of TSPU reached 61st position.
(11-12th position is shared with the First Moscow Medical University). g- TSPU citation index reached 106 position ( 9-10th position is shared with Novosibirsk State University). The total amount of TSPU citations increased to 17,359 (29th place among all universities)


10-12 April 2014 Tomsk State Pedagogical University participated in the 15th Kazakhstan International Exhibition “Education and Career” (Almaty, Kazakhstan). 

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Tomsk State Pedagogical University will host the TSPU Third Open Chess Cup 2014, dedicated to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War (1941 – 1945). The Cup will be held on May 10th -11th, 2014.


During the school holidays at the TSPU Center of additional physics and mathematics science education the university held the traditional “Spring School on Physics “.

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