Tomsk State Pedagogical University


The VII Regional Economic Forum "T & Pro - the vector of your development" was held in the TSPU Business Incubator. This year, 12 teams from schools in the city of Tomsk, Tomsk and Kemerovo regions participated in its work. For three days, the participants underwent a rich educational program aimed at the formation of project competencies, personal effectiveness and self-determination, entrepreneurial skills.

On the first day, participants of the educational workshop learned how to solve problems and find innovative solutions, work in a team and form partnerships, maintain entrepreneurial spirit and avoid the fear of failure, create and effectively conduct a presentation. This day ended with a series of...


The All-Russian judo tournament in memory of Honored Trainer of Russia Slavik Gogievich Kudziev took place in Tyumen, and Alexander Askarov, and the  student of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports of the TSPU Aleksndra Askarova won this competition.

The strongest judoists of the country from Moscow to Blagoveshchensk gathered at the sporting competition. Alexandra Askarova held four victorious bouts and won a gold medal. At the same time in the semifinals, she prevailed over the winner of the Russian championship among juniors under 23 years old Elvira Kamalova from Perm. And in the final, a TSPU student defeated a strong rival from Tatarstan, Diana Bikbova.

"I am pleased with my...

Victory of the TSPU students in the international pedagogics competition

The team of the Faculty of Preschool and Primary Education of the TSPU won in the 10th Interregional Pedagogical Olympiad which was organized at the Gorno-Altai State University (Gorno-Altaisk city).

At the first stage of the competition, participants made reports at the Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists timed to the 70th anniversary of higher education in the Altai Republic. The team of TSPU presented the maximum number of reports in the section "Best Practices for Developing Student Potential in the Process of Studying at the University" All the messages aroused a keen interest among the listeners and were awarded with the I degree diplomas.

The following competitive tests allowed students to show their team...


Last Saturday, the “Call of the Spring Hunt” festival was held at the White Lake. The event was timed to the opening of the spring hunting season. Students of the Department of Economic Theory (Head of the Department - Professor V.V. Sizov) and the Center for Children and Youth Tourism of the TSPU of the Faculty of Economics and Management conducted quest activities and career guidance among the participants of the festival. In addition, students of tourist profile showed the projects which are ready to become commercial and social market products. The participants of the event highly appreciated the project and the work of the instructors-students.


The second Conest of students from pedagogical universities of the Siberian Federal District on subjects "Mathematics" and "Methods of teaching mathematics" was held in Novosibirsk from April 18 to April 20. The team of the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Tomsk State Pedagogical University took part in the competition.In addition to students of the TSPU, representatives of six universities participated in the Contest: Altai State Pedagogical University, Irkutsk State University, Ishim Pedagogical Institute named after P.P. Ershov (branch of Tyumen State University); Transbaikal State University; Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University as well as the State University named after Shakarim (Republic of Kazakhstan, city of Semey).


Students of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University have always participated in the Regional School of Guides. Some of our experienced activists-counselors share their knowledge with the younger generation, while other students of the TSPU together with like-minded people from the regional detachments are being trained.

To prepare for the summer camp season in 2019, more than 100 children from secondary vocational education institutions Danko, Kapella, Gorro, Yunost, Fakel, Kanikuly and Rocket.

“The school of guides is very intensive, interesting and informative, - says Anastasia Klokova, the organaized of TSPU “City Summer” project. - All the participants were mixed together and divided into five groups, as in a...

TSPU students at the international book platform "CHILDREN'S BOOKS AS WINGS" IN ST. PETERSBURG

In the framework of the international student's book platform "Children's Books as Wings", organized by the leading researcher of children's literature, Ph.D., associate professor M. S. Kostyukhina of the  Russian State Pedagogical University named after Herzen (with the support of the "Russian World" foundation),  a series of educational, scientific, and educational events took place.

Students of pedagogical universities from Tomsk, Yekaterinburg, Perm, as well as Kazakhstan, Poland, Armenia, Finland were invited to Saint Petersburg.

Students and...

Students of the TSPU Center for Additional Education is a PRIZE-WINNER OF the ALL-RUSSIAN SCHOOL Competition IN PHYSICS

The final stage of the All-Russian Competition among Schoolchildren  in Physics 2018-2019 school year has ended in Tomsk. More than three hundred schoolchildren from different regions of Russia competed in solving theoretical and experimental problems in physics. 137 people showed high results. Leo Milovantsev, a graduate of the Center for Additional Physics, Mathematics and Science Education of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University, successfully perfomed at this event.

Leo is a regular participant of the trainings sessions organized by the Center for Additional Physics, Mathematics and Science Education of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University. He works with well-known Russian teacher, the staff of the...

Pedagogical job fair at the TSPU

Graduate students of TSPU visited the “Pedagogical job fair” organized by the university, which was the final stage of the regional career event “Career Days in TSPU”. The fair was held in order to create a platform for interaction between employing organizations and students of TSPU, promoting professional self-determination and employment of students and graduates who have completed pedagogical training.

There were 54 applications submitted for full-time and part-time participation in fair from employing organizations, including representatives from the Basanday, Chernorechensky, Kaftanchik, Moryakovka schools, the Tomsk Economic and Industrial College and the Tomsk Basic Medical College, and...


The awarding ceremony of the winners of the competition for the Prize of the Legislative Duma of the Tomsk Region for young scientists and young talents - 2018 took place at the Tomsk Drama Theater. The fourth-year student of the Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship of the TSPU, Vitaly E. Mineev (supervisor - Ismailov Gafurzhan Mamatkulovich, Ph.D., associate professor of technical disciplines and computer graphics, FTP TGPU) became the winner in the nomination "Humanities" among young scientists.

This time more than 300 young scientists and schoolchildren from 13 municipalities of the Tomsk region took part in the competition. At the reception, the names of 36 winners in different nominations were announced. Over 16 years of competition more than six thousand works have...