Tomsk State Pedagogical University

TSPU volunteers organized workshop for children

During the winter holidays, having finished the first semesters, the volunteers of the TSPU's squad "Point of view" dove into social activities. Students have brought an educational and creative programm to the children which are being taken care of at the charitable foundation named after Alyona Petrova

The leaders of the organization together with the TSPU students made a little tour on the foundation's building, shared the results of the year and aftter gaving a business talk, met with the children. During the workshop our volunteers taught them how to make colorful decorations from felt. In the end the participants took group pictures to remember that day.

TSPU is the best pedagogical university of Russia according to WEBOMETRICS

According to the 2019 Ranking Web of Universities the Tomsk State Pedagogical University has proven its leading position and remained the best pedagogical university of Russia. All in all, more than 25 000 universities participate in the survey.

TSPU's positions in the international ranking on 26 of Janyary 2019:


The Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Oleg Petrovich Bykov visited Tomsk State Pedagogical University on the Day of Russian Students. “I also have a pedagogical education, so today, on January 25, I am very pleased to meet with my colleagues at the Tomsk State Pedagogical University - said Oleg Petrovich. -The students of the university are very positive, it’s immediately clear that it was their sencire decision to chose that creative profession. When I worked in children's health camps, the topic of pedagogical creativity was also close to me, which is why today I decided to meet with the TSPU's youth. "

During the visit, the guest studied the halls of the picture gallery of The Faculty of Arts and...

RECTOR's congratulations with The Students' Day

Dear friends!

Congratulations to the glorious student community of the oldest pedagogical university in Siberia - Tomsk State Pedagogical University -on the Russian Students' Day!

Student years - the most intense, romantic and vibrant in the life of everyone who was lucky enough to carry the proud title of student. During these years, a person takes the first steps in a future profession, gains new knowledge, finds true friends and  happiness.

May all your dreams come true! I wish you good luck, success and prosperity!


The Russian Championship is the traditional start of the competitive season for young sambo wrestlers (under 23). This year, more than 350 athletes from 45 regions of the country gathered in the city of Kstovo, Nizhny Novgorod Region. The city of Tomsk and the Tomsk State Pedagogical University were  presented by Valery Anisimova, a student of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports, Master of Sports of Russia of International Class: the athlete won a silver medal in the weight category of 64 kg.

Today's awards are results of tremendous work. Yes, maybe not everything was perfecr, but the fact that they pushed for one hundred percent was indisputable. Congratulations on this great result. Also, many thanks to everyone who was worried about us and supported...

Students of the faculty of technology and entrepreneurship received scholarships of the administration of the city of Tomsk

The results of the competition for scholarship of the municipality «City of Tomsk» 2018-2019 for achievements in research activities have been revealed. According to the results of the competitive selection among students of higher educational institutions of the city of Tomsk, two students of the Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship of the TSPU became the holders of scholarships of the Administration of the City of Tomsk:

mineev1Mineev Vitaly Evgenievich, undergraduate student (4 course, 1151 group); Scientific advisor - Ismailov Gafurzhan Mamatkulovich, Cand. tech. sciences, associate professor of the department of technical disciplines and computer graphics. The area of scientific interests: the study of dynamic...

Winter season of TSPU’s «Open pedagogical class»

«Open pedagogical class» project took place at the «Solnechny» center during the first week of 2019. 8-11 grades students from 15 schools of Tomsk became participants of a new theme program «School of pedagogical MIRACLEcraft» which coincided with the Year of a Theater in Russia.

«We exressed the features of pedagogical works by comparing it with theatrical activities: «Teacher – actor», «Teacher - artist», «Teacher – musician», «Teacher – script writer», «Teacher – director» – says the organizer of the project head of the department of social pedagogics G.Y. Titova – in the course of the project students were getting closer to the thought that we tries to tell them...

Victory of TSPU weightlifters

Team of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University has won in the Russian student union championship in weightlifting that took place in Kursk. 147 sportsmen from 19 regions of Russia participated in this competition but for the second time the students from the TSPU showed the highest results.

In the individual championship, Vladislav Mashnich distinguished himself: in the weight category up to 73 kg, the student of the Faculty of Physical Training and Sports (FPTS) won two gold medals. Ilya Tsybaev (FPTS) completed the standard program of the master of sports of Russia and won gold in the weight category up to 63 kg. FPTS freshman Morozova Olga won the first place in the discipline «Long cycle» and a bronze medal...

new year congratulations from TSPU rector V. V. Obukhov

Dear friends!

Year of 2018 comes to its end. It was challenging for one of the eldest pedagogical universities of Siberia. But that makes our achievements even more meaningful. Once again, the TSPU is recognized as one of the best pedagogical university in Russia. We were able to preserve and to multiply our potential for the future successful development. In the eve of new 2019 year, I wish you happiness, good health and new victories!

Happy New Year!

2019 Winter Universiade

For 11 days from March 2 until March 12 Krasnoyarsk will become the venue for the Winter Universiade. Siberia has not yet taken sporting events of such scale. For Krasnoyarsk, hosting of the Universiade is an honor, responsibility and a unique chance to show the world the Siberian character and hospitality. We will conduct Student Games of such class that have not been seen been. Athletes and guests of the Winter Universiade 2019, being in the center of Russia, will take part in an exciting sports festival and will be able to discover such distant, mysterious and beautiful Siberia in its winter glory.