Tomsk State Pedagogical University


Valeria Anisimova, a student of the Faculty of Physical culture and Spors of the TSPU won the silver medal in the Russian Sambo Championship which was held in Kazan. About 850 sambo wrestlers from 67 regions of the country took part in the championship. Among the participants of the championship are 27 honored masters of sports, 91 international-class masters of sports of Russia and 375 masters of sports of Russia.

Tomsk region at the competition was presented by the student of Tomsk State Pedagogical University, student of the Tomsk Regional Sports School of Olympic Reserve, an athlete-instructor of the "Rus" Children’s-Junior Sports School, and an international-class master of sports of Russia, Valeria Anisimova. In the 64 kg weight category, Valeria won a...


The All-Russian seminar for regional coordinators of the  public observers of the Russian Union of Youth (RUY) was held in the capital of our country. Tomsk region was presented by a student of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the TSPU, the coordinator of the Tomsk Region, Ksenia Bondarenko.

The venue gathered 89 participants from 76 subjects of the Russian Federation - coordinators of the public observers project , representatives of the executive authority. Together with colleagues, discussion and training platforms, case-championships and  seminar "Best Practices for Projects in the Regions" were held. Experts gave the lecture on changes in the regulatory framework for 2019.


Every year the Tomsk State Pedagogical University hosts a competition of professional skill and creativity "Pedagogical debut" for graduate students . Future teachers will have the opportunity to demonstrate their pedagogical skills within the framework of the competition program, present the developed model of the organization of the educational process, try themselves as additional education teachers and conduct creative activities for Tomsk schoolchildren.
By tradition, the captains of the teams of 10 faculties of the TSPU, the winners of the competition are awarded with  a journey to the cultural capital of our country. 



Inernational Siberian Spring Cosmology seminar has started at the Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Scentists from Russia, Poland, Spain, Japan, Iran and Oman will discuss modern problems of cosmology ang gravitation.
The scientific event dedicated to the anniversary of Professor TSPU, one of the most influential scientists in the world, Sergei Dmitrievich Odintsov, will last for two days. In addition to guests of the university, theoretical physicists from Nagoya (Japan) and Naples will join the discussion on the Internet.

TSPU welcomes students from Japan and Brazil

The international exchange of students of Tomsk State Pedagogical University and students of from Brazil and Japan has already become a tradition. On the eve of spring, foreign guests again have visited the TSPU. They had the opportunity not only to participate in the educational process, but also to get acquainted with the material base and cultural heritage of our university and its student structures.

Their acquaintancewith the university begun with the Scientific Library. The students visited the reading rooms and the sector of rare and valuable publications, received information about the educational opportunities offered by the university.

Curious about the independent work of TSPU students, colleagues from Brazil arrived at the...


The International Native Language Day at the Tomsk State Pedagogical University was marked by reading fairy tales of the peoples of Siberia in the Ket, Khanty, Selkup, Teleut and Chulym-Turkic languages. Students, teachers and guests of the university met at the event "Tales of Siberian Peoples over a Cup of Tea" organized by specialists of the Department of Languages ​​of Siberian Peoples, of the Faculty of Foreign Lanfuafes (FFL) of the TSPU.

"The Selkup fairy tale 'About flying elk' written in Russian by Tamara Konstantinovna Kudryashova in Ivankino village (Kolpashevsky district of the Tomsk region), was published in 1999, - says the head of Department of languages ​​of peoples of Siberia E.A. Kryukov. - The reverse translation into the Selkup language (the Narym...


The National Fund for the Support of Innovations in Education has published a rating of Russian universities based on the results of the effectiveness of universities in the country in 2018.

Among pedagogical universities of Russia, Tomsk State Pedagogical University is ranked 2nd after Moscow Pedagogical University.

In the general ranking, the TSPU shares the 59th position (out of 1,298 universities represented) with several leading universities of Russia (among them 7 national research, 2 federal universities).

In the ranking, all universities of the Russian Federation are ranked according to a composite index based on six key indicators: educational activities, research activities, international activities, financial and economic activities, employment...

STUDENTS from Brazil will visit TSPU

Students of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of the State of Minas Gerais (Juiz de Fora, Brazil) are preparing for a trip to the Tomsk State Pedagogical University. As a part of academic exchanges, a visit of foreign students to the TSPU is scheduled for February-March 2019, but already the Brazilian students have began their training: the guys are studying the culture and history of our country and making reports on Russia in front of their colleagues.

In Tomsk Pedagogical, guests from Brazil will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the educational process of all...

TSPU in "Crosscultural communications" project

For the first time a scientific cross-disciplinary interacademic project "Crosscultural communications as a resurs for improving the quality of life" took place in Tomks on the territory of "Sinii Utes".

Representatives of the Tomsk universities and other educational institutions as well as students and employees of the Tosmk state pedagogical university under the guidance of prof. V.V. Sizov heading the department of the economics theory participated in the project.

The aim of the project was to develop the ways to improve the quality of life standards of young people and introduce it into scientific and practical sites at the universities of the city. The discussion on the issues was...

TSPU Student is making sketches on the road

The future teacher of fine arts, student of the Faculty of Artsand  Culture and of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Daria Godymchuk, attracted the attention of reporters from the "Tomsk Time" regional company when she was doing her daily practice on sketching from life.
“A student at the Pedagogical University Daria Godimchuk makes passengers of Tomsk public transport blush and smile. And all because Dasha is an artist, and she combines trips in public transport with her hobby: she draws portraits of fellow passengers. The reaction of models ranges from embarrassment to delight. By the way, if Dasha has time to finish the portrait, she will give it to the passenger with a great pleasure! ”