Tomsk State Pedagogical University

Exhibition of Raphael Aslanyan at the Tomsk Art Museum

During the next month, an exhibition devoted to the memory of the Tomsk painter, teacher, professor of the TSPU Raphael Egorovich Aslanyan will be operating at the Tomsk Regional Art Museum. Devoted to the the artist's 70th anniversary, the exhibition will include the works of Rafo, as the master of the brush and canvas called himself, as well as the works of his pupils. During the opening ceremony, the museum's deputy director Nikolai Vasenkin quoted a famous classic: "Those from whom we learn can be called our teachers, but not every teacher deserves that title."

Employees of the Art Museum recalled the life, profession and creativity of Raphael Aslanyan :

"There are good artists, there are good teachers, and...

Defence of creative worcks by students of the Faculty of arts and culture

Students-artists of the Faculty of arts and culture, the future teachers of arts have defended their creative works. "In the spring of this year, the new methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation were published. According to them it is necessary to carry on students' certification by involving professional collegium, - says the dean of the Faculty, Kayumova - For us it was not a surprise:  the exams are always conducted this way, when commission evaluates the work of students".


The exam was held in the presence of all teachers-artists of the faculty, which are already familiar to the students. However, there were...

The Faculty of Biology and Chemistry has finished the Field Practice

While admission campaign is pickin up speed  students if the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry has finished summer field practices and the third year students finished their practice in agriculture and plant physiology and chemistry:

"At first we passed the botany practic, supervised by Minich Irina Borisovna, and visited numerous "green islands" within and outside Tomsk, and in Timiryazevskoye village we visited the Tomsk Forest Museum located in a picturesque pine forest. Information on forest, its flora and fauna, the history of development and the current state of the forestry industries of the Tomsk region is presented in the Museum. On the forest area near to the museum one cas see the main forest-forming...

TSPU at the Russian Foundation of Basic Research

Specialists of Tomsk State Pedagogical University took part in the exhibition of projects of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR). The event was held within the framework of the second All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Improving the System of Interaction between the RFBR and the Subjects of the Russian Federation in the Organization of Regional and Youth Competitions".

The Tomsk State Pedagogical University selected works on the humanities, one of which was implemented by the Department of Languages ​​of the Peoples of Siberia. The head of the department is E.A. Kryukova presented the e project "Electronic multimedia database of the disappearing languages ​​of Siberia." The exhibition also presented stands "Methodology of information...

BASKETBALL PLAYERS OF TSPU WON The cup of Students of Siberia

Students of Siberian universities celebrated the International Olympic Day with a sports tournament among representatives of the Association of Student Basketball. The team of Tomsk State Pedagogical University became the best among women teams that took part in the competition.

The games were held in a format of street basketball on one of the city's sports ground. The eight-hour Tomsk marathon was attended by teams from Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo. The basketball players of TSPU shoed excellent results : the girls won the competition and got the cup!

"Summer in the city" project has been launched

Summer session of "Summer in the city project" was opened by the TSPU team "With kindness in hears". During two weeks (until the 7th of July) students of the university will be working with kids who are spending summer vacation in the city.

Every day from 10.00 to 14.00 the students of the camp will organize cultural and educational activities for kids of Tomsk: workshops, creative activities, detachment work, sports games, games that help making friends etc. This season, the work of the camp is dedicated to the Year of the Volunteer. Following the topic, the initiators and organizers of the project, employees and students of the TSPU, plan to introduce the children to different areas of volunteer activity,...

"Summer school of entertaining science" has ended at TSPU

Despite the summer, ciltural and educational activites are in full swing at the TSPU. Participants of "Summer in the city" project entertain and educate the youngest children of Tomsk. Older kids decided to spend summer time at the TSPU centre for additional physicomathematical and natural education.  The first weeks of June students of the gymnasium № 18 spent at the TSPU.

Teachers and students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics organized entertaining lessons in physics, mathematics, computer science and astronomy for participants of the summer course. The children got acquainted with the amazing properties of the liquid , understood the actions of simple mechanisms, got acquainted with the main constellations of the...


Today, the doors of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University has opened for future students - applicants of 2018. The specialists of the admission committee has begun their hard work: our assistants will anwer all your questions concernong the admission, help you to fill in the documents, tell you about the peculiarities of studying under the programs of full-time and correspondence forms of bachelor, specialist and master programs at the faculties of TSPU.

According to the tradition, the staff of the university congratulated the first-year students of the full-time and extramural courses with the memorable gifts. The first applicant of 2018 became Barysheva Ekaterina Anatolyevna , who came from the city of Strezhevoy to enter the...


The Center for Additional Physical, Mathematical and Natural Science Education of the TSPU hosted a mini competition "Martian roboralli", which was the result of the common work of the research and development club on astronomy and cosmonautics.

The schoolchildren from School No. 64 (Timiryazevskoe village) and gymnasium No. 18 took part in the competition. Each team had to assemble a model of their own mobile robot from the Mindstorms EV3 robotic constructor and pass the "Martian" obstacle course, which consisted of various difficult sections. Each participant overcame obstacles controlled by a robot, thereby earning points for his team.

The amount of earned points was based on the results of the obstacle course, and the time...


The team of employees of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University won the third place in the basketball competitions that took place within the framework of the 12th Sport competitions among the Workers of the Soviet District of the City of Tomsk.

Representatives of six organizations met in the Academic Lyceum: TSPU, Tram and Trolleybus Administration, Transneft, Sovetsky District Administration, Rostelecom, and the Bank of Russia. Honor of the Tomsk Pedagogical at the competition was defended by the employees of the University: Gazizov Timur Talgatovich, Butakov Alexey Nikolaevich, Kiyanitsyn Alexey Viktorovich, Likhachev Vyacheslav Yuryevich, Medyukha Anton Valeryevich, Yurasov Yuri Anatolyevich.

Our specialists managed to...