Tomsk State Pedagogical University

TSPU professor made a report at international symposium in Bulgaria

TSPU professor, the head of the International scientific and practical center of axiology and methodology of moral and spiritual education Anastasia Nikolaevna Koshechko became the participant of the International symposium « Anthropology of Dostoevsky. Man as a problem and object of image in the world of Dostoevsky» that took place in Sofia (Bulgaria).

The symposium was attended by more than 50 scientific experts from 16 countries of the world in the field of literary studies, linguistics, philosophy, theology, psychology, psychoanalysis, anthropology. The theme of the symposium has forms three leading problem-thematic areas in which presentations of the participants were presented:



Ryazan State University named after. S.A. Yesenin hosted the III All-Russian Forum of the Russian Language, dedicated to the heritage of Academician Izmail Ivanovich Sreznevsky. The forum was attended by students from Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Perm, Veliky Novgorod, Moscow, Donbass. On behalf of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University there were students of the Faculty of History and Philology of Zyryanova Elizaveta and Zhigalova Tamara (group 362), who presented the student project «And we will save you, Russian language!»

«The works of the forum participants were diverse, - says Elizaveta Zyryanova. – We discussed the issues of preserving the traditions of the Russian language, creating dictionaries, organizing events...

TSPU team is the winner of «Open data of the Tomsk region» hackathon

The team of the Tomsk state pedagogical university has won in the nomination «The best social application» of the «Open data of the Tomsk region» hackathon that took place of last weekend.

Among the participants of the 24-hour programming marathon were: Soldatenko Artem Vadimovich, head of the information systems development department of TSPU, Vyacheslav Yuryevich Likhachev, programmer of the TSPU network projects laboratory, Vladimir Vlasov and Aleksey Lesik, students of the Department of Informatics of the TSPU.

Work evaluation was carried out according to the following criteria: use of combinations of several data sets (the more complex combinations of open data sets a team uses, the higher its...

TSPU volunteers help citizens of Tomsk

Volunteers of the TSPU team «Point of view» just cannot get enough of the good deeds. This week students helped retired people to prepare for the upcoming winter and visited schoolchildren of a residential school.

According to the weather forecast is going to get cold this week, that is why volunteers of the TSPU helped old people who are living in the private houses. They helped to pick firewood and place it in a safe dry palce near the house so people could easily heat their homes during the winter. Other volunteers visited the residential school where they conducted a workshop for children having visual impairments. Kids learned how to make postcards and by the end of the event created their own...


The delegation of the Trade Union Organization of the TSPU students arrived in Irkutsk to participate in the third all-Russian educational project "Proleader". The meeting of leaders and activists of student government structures was held within the walls of the Irkutsk State University (ISU).

For three days, participants from the Tomsk State Pedagogical University, together with colleagues from other universities in Russia, studied the educational program, shared their experience and improved their competences at workshops held by leading specialists of the Student Coordination Council of the Russian Federation. As part of the excursion and entertainment programs, the participants had the opportunity to...

«The Children of the one Sun» event at TSPU

Volunteers of the «Point of View» student squad of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University have opened a new season of the social project «Children of the one Sun» - a cultural and educational program for children with disabilities, which has been implemented on the basis of the university since 2015. Activists of the TSPU arranged workshop-meeting with young participants and their parents in the Youth Center of the university.

The guys went through a series of workshops from our students and learned how to make an anti-stress ball, solved puzzles, drew using their hands instead of brushes, made various figures from clay and created greeting cards. The parents didn’t stay aside: while the children were...


The Tomsk State Pedagogical University has once again been recognized by the international rating agency QS as the best pedagogical university of Russia.

The ratings of the Quacquarelli Symonds agency along with the “Academic Ranking of World Universities” and “The Times Higher Education World University Rankings” are among the most influential in the world. The state support program for leading Russian universities - Project 5-100 - is based on the results provided by these agencies.

Of the 9,000 universities located in China, India, Brazil, Russia and South Africa, the top 400 universities were ranked. Tomsk State Pedagogical University took the 47th position among all the universities of Russia included in the rating, being located between the...

Korean scientist delivered a lecture on Mathematics education.

Math professor Yongjin Song (Republic of Korea) delivered a lecture on mathematics education at the Tomsk State Pedagogical University. The lecture that was visited by more than 80 people – university and school teachers, students and pupils – was devoted to the features of mathematics education in Korea, in particular in middle and high school, and to higher education. Yongjin Song in detail explained the peculiarities of the general education in Korea, the way how schoolchildren prepare for competitions and opportunities for entering the higher education institutions. In the end professor have answered the questions from audience.

This event was made possible thanks to the cooperation of specialists...

TSPU at U-NOVUS - 2018

A series of workshops “Entertaining Robotics for Children” from the specialists of the Children's Center for Educational Robotics (CCER) of the TSPU took place at the U-NOVUS solutions forum. Three interactive sites "Spirograf", "Remore football" and "Smart Home. Moisture detector” gathered more than 150 participants - children and their parents.

As part of the master classes at the platforms CCER TSPU, the guests modeled, designed and programmed robots, gained knowledge about the world of radio electronics, developed fine motor skills, played robofootball and assembled moisture detectors that they could take with them. In turn, students whose activities are closely connected with technical creativity...


Rector of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University (KazNPU) Abay Takir Ospanovich Balykbaev is awarded with the highest award of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University - the silver medal «For merits in the field of education and science».

Rector of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University Balykbaev and vice-rector of the TSPU Vojtekhovskaya

The award ceremony took place on the 4th of October 2018 within the framework of the International Forum of the Eurasian Association of Pedagogical Universities at the ceremony honoring the first higher educational institution of Kazakhstan - the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay in connection with the 90th anniversary of the...