Tomsk State Pedagogical University

Teacher's day in sport style

TSPU students that just have started their way on the teacher’s program have celebrated the Teacher’s day with sport events. The teams of first-year students have gathered in the university’s stadium to participate in sport challenges: pair running in a hoop, basketball game, running in “giant” boots, cross-rope. The final obstacle on the way to victory in the main stage was a test in a “caterpillar belt” – guys got into a giant tape and tried outrun each other in a race.

Inspiring chants were heard throughout the entire stadium, colorful posters with encouraging slogans flashed at each stage, and pompoms of cheerleaders did not stop for a second in their crazy dance. The students of the Faculty of physical culture and sports proved their skills: the guys...

Happy teacher's day!

Dear Friends!

Let me congratulate you with our common holiday – The Teacher's Day! 
Teacher – is a noble profession and people come to it only by call of their hearts. People give trust teachers their children  – their most precious treasures. Teacher is expected to be kind and helpful, and he/she should be able to raise thirst for knowledge, kindness, respect for the others and love for the motherland in children. Let me wish you a long and happy life, public acknowledgement , talented and grateful...

The 9th Space Lesson

The ninth "Space lessontime was held at the Nakhimov Naval School in St. Petersburg. The topic of the lesson was "Space Navigation on the Earth and Space" brought together students from the branches of the Nakhimov Naval School in Vladivostok, Sevastopol and Murmansk.

Russian astronauts Oleg Artemyev and Sergey Prokopyev together with the participants and experts of the project discussed how to orient oneself in the open ocean and in outer space and to find each other in space and on earth. Schoolchildren presented their projects to the audience of the lesson.


According to the agreement on the exchange between the students and teachers of the Tomsk state pedagogical university and educational institution of Wroclaw (Poland) our university had received Mikhail Slivinski, a teacher of Math and computer science of Wroclaw university and Katajina Kozelsky, teacher of Math and computer science of one of the polish schools.

Polish teachers came to Tomsk to share their knowledge and get acquainted with innovations in the methodology of teaching mathematics and computer science at our university. The TSPU has long been working on a methodology for teaching these disciplines. For example, TSPU professor E.G. Gelfman with his team created a series of school textbooks on mathematics, which were awarded with prices of the Ministry of Education...

«STARTUS – 2018»

On the last weekend second-year students of the TSPU became the participants of the traditional festival of sport, creativity and tourism «Startus». This year the festival was held in «The year of volunteer» theme.

Eight of the most active and creative representatives of each faculty of the university were fighting for the "Friendship" cup and other festival awards for three days, trying themselves in the obstacle course, hiking trail and in various sports, resisting their fears, participating in games, contests and extreme quests.

«On the first day, we tried ourselves in creative tasks: made up mottos inspired by Startus, showed creative business cards and actively took part in role-playing games aimed to to rallying the team, identification of leaders...

"Basics of robotics" at TSPU

The second year of the "basics of robotics" course has started at the TSPU Youth Educational Robotics Center for kids 6-7 years old. Together with teachers of the Center kids learn the basics of educational platform LEGO WeDo 2.0.

"With the help of interdisciplinary project activities, including designing, designing and programming of robotic models, students understand how real life and abstract scientific theories and facts correlate. WeDo 2.0 platform helps the children learn to ask the right questions, draw conclusions about the world around them, using the basic materials of the elementary-science cycle of the elementary school of teaching materials. Children learn to identify problems, work together, find unique solutions and each lesson to make new...

TSPU volunteers met with school students of Tomsk

For one day the activists of the "Point of view" squad of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University became teachers for eighth graders of the School No. 36 in Tomsk and conducted several lessons in order to popularize the ideas and values ​​of volunteering.

From the theoretical part of the lessons the students learned about the main directions and principles of the volunteer movement, the work of the volunteer detachment "Point of view" of the TSPU, the opportunities that our city provides for volunteers. During the practical part of lessons, the children, were divided into small groups, developed projects of volunteer activities for their school and for the city as a whole.

Round table with colleagues from Poland at TSPU

In the center for Polish language and culture of the TSPU representatives of the University have met with their Polish colleagues to discuss issues of education in schools throughout the different countries. The title of the round table was «The problem of implementing educational training in schools in Russia and Poland: traditions, experience, innovations». Among the participant were:

Anna Ketlinska, chairwoman of Podlaskie division of «Wspólnota Polsk» association; director of the main school No. 5 in Bialystok, Bogdan Vrubel, as well as teachers of religion and computer science Yezhy Oraksinski, geography teacher Veslava Kolosa, history teacher Barbara Bunko, math teacher Agnieszka Belska, music teacher Katazhyna Bratchko, elementary school teacher Grazhyna...


«ART-CHAOS. Garbage wind» a project of regional level, that was developed by students and teachers of the TSPU, has been started. The main goal of the project is to provoke a sense of environmental responsibility among Tomsk citizens and residents of the region through promotion of ​​a reasonable restriction in the consumption and even a complete rejection of things that cause irreparable harm to nature, as well as civilized waste management. The participants of the «ART-CHAOS: Garbage wind» can become pupils of preschool institutions, students of regional and municipal educational organizations of all levels, cultural institutions, teachers of regional and municipal educational organizations, employees of cultural institutions, members of public organizations, initiative...


The Children's Center for Educational Robotics of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University summarized the results of the first week of the new academic year. The teachers of the Center conducted classes in the design, programming and technical creativity for 12 different age groups. Educational activities were attended by 76 talented and initiative students who showed impressive results in assembling houses and robots from LEGO kits.

In addition, the Center received a large number of new LEGO kits and everyone can use them by registering for educational programs. To get acquainted with all the courses offered by the Center, you can visit the official website of the structure.