Tomsk State Pedagogical University

Admission campaign 2017 has begun!

Tomsk State Pedagogical University, the leader of pedagogical education in Russia, opens its doors for future students: on June 20 in the university starts an admission campaign.

Every day from 9.00 to 17.00 the specialists of the Admission Committee of the TSPU are ready to answer the questions of the applicants and explain them features of the study course at each of the eleven faculties of the university as well as help with the registration of the necessary documents. Meetings of applicants with representatives of the Admission Committee of the TSPU, as well as the process of submitting documents for admission to the university will be organized in the main building of Tomsk State Pedagogical University (60 Kievskaya Street).

For more details please visit TSPU...


The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation has summed up the results of the annual monitoring of the effectiveness of educational institutions of higher education. Tomsk State Pedagogical University has exceeded the threshold values ​​for all of the seven monitoring indicators: educational, research, international, financial and economic activities, salaries, employment, and the additional indicator. All in all 770 state, non-state, municipal and regional educational organizations of higher education and 691 branches of educational organizations of higher education have participated in the effectiveness monitoring of 2017.

TSPU graduate has met the President of the Russian Federation

There was a meeting of Vladimir Putin with supervising teachers in Kremlin. TSPU teacher of Physical culture and sports Roman Vinivitin was in this list of 25 teachers who have trained students that showed  highest results on school competitions and exams. He has been working at school in Novo-Kuskovo village since 2005 and this year he will say goodbye to the first school leavers of his teaching career.

"At the meeting in the Kremlin, various topics were discussed. Including the labor education of children and the payment of classroom supervising. Participants spoke about the modern educational system and how to make it more effective" – Roman Vinivitin shares his impressions on the meeting.

It should be mentioned that Roman was the only representative of...

115 TSPU Anniversary

Tomsk State Pedagogical University is the oldest professional educational institution in Siberia, the successor of the Tomsk Teachers' Institute, established on July 1, 1902. Tomsk State Pedagogical University has been dynamically developing for 115 years and taking leading positions in educational ratings. Today TSPU is Russian’s leader in the sphere of teacher education, Alma mater for thousands of educators from all over the country. TSPU graduates are excellent, responsible professionals with great competence and skill in teaching. They have rightly deserved to be teachers of the new generation!

TSPU at SCO forum

6-7 June 2017 the II Student forum of Countries-participants of The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) took place in Novosibirsk. Delegation of the History and philology faculty of TSPU participated in this event.

Various platforms were organized within the framework of the forum: scientific, practical, debating and creative, bringing together the business, educational and cultural programs. In total, according to organizers, more than 400 students, scientists, teachers and experts from the SCO countries took part in the forum.

The II Student Forum of the SCO countries was devoted to topical issues of promoting Russian higher education, strengthening positions and supporting the Russian language abroad through the potential of youth international...

TSPU is the strongest university in Russia

Tomsk state pedagogical university  has strentgthen its positions in a rating of Russian pedagogical universities and took the first place according to the annual natioanl raiting of the Universities.

The rating prepared by the Interfax news agency is the result of a large-scale research of Russian universities that reflects their activities in following areas: education, research, socialization, internationalization, innovation and brand. The evaluation is based on the questionnaires filled by representatives of universities, accessible public data posted by educational institutions on their official websites, public information resources of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, as well as information from the SPARK and SCAN information and...

TSPU at international Indian dance festival

Traditional Tomsk event – the International Festival of Indian classical dance "Rasamrita" in memory of Rukmini Devi took place last weekend. This year the festival dedicated to 70th anniversary of diplomatic relationship between Russia and India gathered fantastic number of guests and participants.

TSPU student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages Ekaterina Dogonovskaya decided not to stay aside. As part of the "Bharata" team (Tomsk), Ekaterina performed dances on the streets of city immersing Tomsk citizens in an atmosphere of true Indian color.

As part of the festival program, the student of the TSPU attended workshops from dance masters Mr. Ashvani Nigam (Kathak style) and Mrs. Kyoko Nobi (Bharatanatyam style), who...

«Welcome to Asia» Instagram contest

The goal of the contest is to attract tourists to Asian cities. In order to participate one should tale a picture of one of thr 10 Asian cities (Tokyo, Bangkok, Seoul, Taipei, Delhi, Hanoi, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Tomsk), which show landmarks of a given city and emphasize the attractiveness of Asia for tourists. The photo should reflect the theme: "My favorite view (Category Landscape / View)"

Only pictures of mentioned cities are allowed.

In order to participate in the contest one should:
  1. Follow welcometoasia_wta in Instagram
  2. Submit an application on the web-site of the contest

“Flowers of life” promo at TSPU

On the threshold of summer season and Children’s day activists of the Student agricultural team “Clover” had participated in the “Flowers of life” event. This ecological action was aimed at upgrading the territory of Teacher’s public garden. Students had been working with great enthusiasm and as a result they created a beautiful flowerbed that will bring joy to citizens of Tomsk. 

“Art and intellect festival” at TSPU

V Open Regional Festival of Robotics and Animation “Art and intellect festival”  took place in the end of academic year at Children center of educational robotechnics. The festival offered several groups to participate: "Animation" and "Robotics", within the framework of which there were RoboRally competitions, P.L. Chebyshev Olympiad in Robotics, RoboSkazka, II open regional exhibition of scientific and technical creativity "Samodelkin", as well as a competition of projects.

At the festival, young inventors presented their robots, assembled and programmed to perform certain operations. After answering theoretical questions, the participants, with the help of mechanical friends tried to overcome the obstacles of rough terrain and competed in the capture the flag...