Tomsk State Pedagogical University

All-Russian theoretical and practical conference at TSPU

The employees of the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Tomsk State Pedagogical University will organize the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Psychodiadactics of Mathematical Education: Planning the Modern Educational Results in School and University", which will be held at the University on March 23, 2017. The event will be held with the support of the Tomsk Regional Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Education Workers, Information and Methodological Center of Tomsk.

About one hundred participants from Moscow, Barnaul, Bryansk, Pskov, Tomsk, Voronezh, Ulan-Ude and other Russian cities will present their reports within the framework of the plenary meeting of the conference and the work of two sections: "Implementation of the Concept for the...

TSPU Professor in one of the oldest university in Europe

Department of Slavic Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy, of one of the oldest Universities of Czech Republic as well as of Europe, Palacký University, Olomouc invited Valentina Egorovna Golovchiner Professor of Literature and Literature Teaching Methods of the Faculty of History and Philology of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University as part of the Erasmus + program for lecturing and conducting of seminars on topic "Permanent motives and variable meanings in the lyrics of V. Mayakovsky" and "Epic drama in Russian literature of the twentieth century."

The trip contributed to strengthening and development of close scientific cooperation of the Russian department with the Olomouc philologists, which was started in 2014. Valentina Yegorovna told about the increased attention...


Inessa Igorevna Babenko of TSPU’s faculty of history and philology became a visiting professor of Heilongjiang international linguistic university (Harbin, China).

She was invited to China to test the software developed for study of Russian together with her Chinese colleagues and students.

Promotion of TSPU innovative developments abroad – is one of the highest priorities of department of international cooperation of TSPU.

Russian language school for Japanese Students

Annual school of Russian language and culture for Japanese students took part in TSPU in seventh time. This year an interesting and diverse cultural and educational program was prepared, which included not only lessons, but also seminars, presentations, workshops, theater trainings, tasting of Russian cuisine, meetings with Tomsk students who are learning Japanese, dog sledding and much more.

Lessons of the Russian language as a foreign language and workshops were conducted by teachers of the history and philology faculty of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Support and organization of the School was undertaken by the employees of the Department of International Cooperation of TSPU.

Credential reports-presentations of the...

Russian spring school for Japanese students

Department of international cooperation together with historic and philological faculty of TSPU organizes Spring school of Russian language and culture for students of two Japanese fellow universities from Tokyo and Hiroshima (National women university Ochanomizu and Hiroshima university)

During three weeks (from 20 of February till 11 of march 2017) Japanese students under guidance of TSPU specialists will improve their skills in Russian language and find more about Tomsk, Russian culture, Russian history and customs.

On the final day of school there will be presentations and performance of Russian folk tale by Japanese students.

We invite you to visit this event, which...

TSPU postgraduate student received an award for achievements in the field of science

Postgraduate student of Tomsk state pedagogical university Martiros Khurshudyan (scientific adviser A. N. Makarenko) had received an «Aykyan-2016» award for achievements and contribution in science of Armenia. Martiros Khurshudyan won in the nomination of “The best youth scientific achievement of 2016”

Aykyan contest was created 16 years ago in order to encourage talented young people involved in various fields of activities. The ceremony took place on 24 of February 2017 in the Armenian National Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet named after Alexander Spendiaryan. The awards were presented to prize-winners by the president of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan.


Student of the Tomsk state pedagogical university Valeria Anisimova has won a golden medal on the Russian sambo championship.

400 competitors from 52 regions of Russia had participate in the event that was held in town of Vyksa in Nizhny Novgorod area. One of the best results was shown by student of the Faculty of Sports and Physical culture – Valeria Anisimova, Master of Sports of Russia, repeated winner and participant of All-Russian and international competitions. She had won a golden medal in the category of 64 kg. According to results of these competitions the Russian team will be formed that will take participation in Europe and world championship.

TSPU student took second place in All-Russian competition

Postgraduate student of TSPU Van Xinhua (China) has taken the second place on the All-Russian competition in Russian language for foreign students which was held at Ural state economical university on 21 of February 2017.

According to organizers, students from 67 universities from 50 different countries had taken part in the competition. This event was organized with the support of the “Russian world” Foundation to enhance the efficiency if language training and realization of creative potential of students.

Student of the Tomsk state pedagogical university has shown spectacular results and taken the second place by surpassing more than 200 competitors.

TSPU has taken third place among the universities of the world according to WEBOMETRICS

According to the results of international rating of Universities’ web-sites  Ranking Web of Universities (Webometrics 2016) the web-site of Tomsk state pedagogical university was included  in top 100 Universities of Russia and took 32 position. Among all the pedagogical universities of the world TSPU is taking 3 place and 1 place among Russian pedagogical universities. Link to the rating 

Developed communication functions of TSPU

Specialists of the Russian Venture Company and the Association of Communicators in Education and Science compiled the list of the leading scientific and educational institutions of Russia regarding the quality of communication activities. On the basis of the analysis of open sources of objective parameters - such as the availability of the website, publications in mass media, management of social networks, the availability of specialized professionals or dedicated communication service etc., they have selected leading organizations in the field of communications from more than 1,500 universities and research institutes of Russia and TSPU was rightfully included in the list.