Tomsk State Pedagogical University

Regional School competition on pedagogy at TSPU

For the seventh time the Pedagogical Faculty of Tomsk State Pedagogical University became the organizer of the Regional competition on pedagogy. And for the third year it is held in cooperation with the Department of General Education of the Tomsk region and the Regional Centre for Educational Development. The peculiarity of this was introduction of the two stages, the new stage included intellectual competition on the basis of inter-municipal centers for gifted students. This resulted in increase of the participants - 16 teams presented five municipalities of Tomsk area: the city of Tomsk, Seversk, Kozhevnikov, Kolpashevo and Bakchar regions.

SIBERIAN STAGE OF XIII All-Russian Student competition on History

The Siberian stage of XIII All-Russian student competition in history tool place at TSPU in the end of fall season.

The competition was attended by teams from the eight Siberian universities: Altai State Pedagogical University, V.P.Astafev Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University, Novokuznetsk Institute (branch) of State Federal-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training "Kemerovo State University", Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Omsk State Pedagogical University, Surgut State Pedagogical University, Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Lesosibirsk Pedagogical Institute (branch of the Siberian Federal University).

The main topic of the competition was as following...


A «Pedagogical debut» contest begins tomorrow at 28 of November.

The teams of each faculty come together to participate in the pedagogical contest. The main goal of the event is the involvement of young people in the professional pedagogical activity, increasing social importance of teaching profession. The competition is divided into two stages. During the competition participants will have the opportunity to demonstrate their level of subject knowledge as well as to present their approach to organizing, conducting of classes and professional workshops and to present a creative performance of the team.

According to the result of each stage of the competition the nominees and winners of pedagogical contest will be revealed. The award ceremony will take place...


More than a hundred senior pupils from 30 Tomsk schools become participants of Student self-government conference «Leader», organized by Tomsk State Pedagogical University with the support of Department of Education and Science of Russian Federation. A three-day conference is a real trial for future students! Pupils take active part in workshops: «Teambuilding», «Self-knowledge», «Oratorical skill», «Comfort zone», «Leadership», «Time management», hold debates on the lection dedicated to «Russian pupils movement» choose their favorite activities among TSPU student structures. Serious test are waiting participants ahead: «Case study», presentation of education institutions and a true detective story. The main goal of the...


An international research workshop «Technology of realization of animated business projects» took place at the Tomsk State Pedagogical University on the basis of economic theory department of the Faculty of economics and management under the guidance of head of the department V. V. Sizov. Students from Charles University (Czech Republic) took part in the event.

Eco-action at TSPU

Help TSPU to obtain the status of "Green University of Russia" and take part in the "Save a tree" campaign.
Come to the Anti-café at TSPU Youth Center on November 22 from 9:00 to 17.00, bring waste paper and save a tree!

Also, there will be the exhibition "The second life of things" for all the participants.
The team of the TSPU Faculty of Economics and Management "Ecosovest" takes part in All-Russian project "EcoKvest: Divide with us", organized by the "ERA" Foundation http://вузэкоквест.рф, it involves around 200 universities from all over Russia.
Environmental quest consists of 15 tasks, the main mission of the event is to implement waste sorting on...

TSPU professor is among the best scientists of the world 2016

Chief Researcher of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Sergey Odintsov once again was recognized as one of the most influential scientists in the world in 2016 according to Thomson Reuters - the leading provider of analytical information.

Ratings List was compiled based on data and analysis of citations of scientists in various fields of science and included the names of the leading researchers in their fields from around the world.

The list includes only three representatives of Russia, including theoretical physicist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, TSPU Professor Odintsov.


Sergey Odintsov, Professor of Tomsk State Pedagogical University, the author of more than...

Tomsk is attractive for foreign students

Number of foreign students in Tomsk is constantly increasing. According to the  Ministry of Education Tomsk has the largest number of foreign students in Russia. 

Cedrik and Edward came to Siberia from Сongo. They immediately fell in love with the University and city. Today 15% of students in Tomsk State Pedagogical University are foreigners. Chang and Quin came from Vientam. They want to become translators. They could get this profession in Vietnam but decided to study in Russia. There are special Russian courses developed 

for foreign applicants, students and postgraduate students enrolling in TSPU. International cooperation in one of the priorities of the University. 

TSPU has established close...

TSPU employer had received a patent

Associate Professor of engineering disciplines and computer graphics of TSPU Technology and Business Faculty Bandaevsky Gennady Ivanovich became the owner of the patent for " Bandaevsky Micrometer". Gennady Ivanovich has long been known in the scientific community of Tomsk as a talented engineer and inventor, and for several decades, he had been actively working on the creation of prototypes of technical equipment and specialized control units.

Patent for "Micrometer Bandaevskogo" is registered in the State Register of utility models of the Russian Federation on 14 of September 2016 With the help of this device one can with high precision measure the linear dimensions of small objects with contact method The team of the...

Success of TSPU Paralympic sportsmen

In mid-November of 2016 in "Harmony" sport center there was a Tomsk city championship and a regional sports contest for persons with musculoskeletal system diseases. TSPU team has demonstrated remarkable results and earned more than 30 gold medals.
