Министерство просвещения Российской федерации

Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации
Томский государственный педагогический университет

Global Understanding

Fall 2010

Description of the Course

First Link - Spring 2011

Tuesday -  March 1st - 7:00pm (Info letter)

To sign up for the class, you will need to go to the room 428, Komsomolsky 75 not later than the February 25th. We will need your full name and you e-mail.

This project is a world cultures course taught in a shared virtual classroom with students and faculty in countries in Africa, Asia, South America and Europe. Real-time videoconferencing, chat, email on a daily basis among student partners provide a direct personal experience. Internet tools allow for partner countries anywhere in world. 

Why we do this The world is increasingly interconnected yet only 5% of American students have the chance to study abroad. This program provides direct, individual international experience for the other 95% of students.
Advantages of the program
·   Multiple cultures provide culturally diverse, direct international experience
·   Students develop working relationships and even friendships in 3 diverse cultures
·   Program is beneficial to students in partner countries, not just to American students
·   Complements traditional study abroad program and helps recruit international students
·   Can be expanded to discipline specific undergraduate and graduate courses
·   Provides opportunity for faculty research partnerships
·   Affordable and sustainable in developing nation partners through use of regular internet 
Essential details
·   Regular, 3 SH, Global Understanding course team taught in real time with 3 cultures.
·   Meets 14/16 week semester T/T or M/W with connection most days, 4 weeks of connections per culture.
·   Credit/tuition: Each university enrolls students locally & teaches course. No money or credit changes hands.
·   Students must be committed and diligent throughout
·   Student and faculty partnerships are formed before class and engage in e-contact throughout course
·   Collaborative projects teach students how to work with people from other cultures
·   Small group discussion and live chat sessions during each meeting. Local sessions provide understanding
·   Topics such as College life, Family, meaning of life and Stereotypes & Prejudices discussed w/ each culture
·   Traditional world culture information provided via lectures from each culture and handouts
·   Each faculty mentors one or two other faculty in order to grow the program
·   “Plan to fail” organization provides ongoing activities under any circumstances

·   256K IP bandwidth, Upload & Download.
·   $500 videoconferencing unit and one Internet connected computer projector
·   1 computer for backchannel communications and coordination
·   14 student computers co-located to classroom for in-class, real-time partner chat

During our visit to International partner campus
·   Presentation to President, Vice-President & Lead Teacher to explain details of the program
·   Meet with tech expert to try video link with East Carolina University at least two times
·   Meet with Lead Teacher to discuss details of course
·   Check out classroom and help with set up (chairs, lighting, etc.)
·   If possible, meet with students and other interested faculty

What is required
·   Ongoing and substantive CAO support for faculty time, technology, facility & unanticipated issues
·   One faculty and one technical support person to teach Global Understanding course in the fall and spring
Contact Information: Dr. Rosina C. Chia chiaro@ecu.edu or Dr. Elmer Poe   poee@ecu.edu

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