Министерство просвещения Российской федерации

Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации
Томский государственный педагогический университет

Курс по истории Америки


Topics in American History has been designed to represent a cross-section of topics from an introductory course in American History and focuses primarily, though not exclusively, on the history of America from the discovery to the present. From Topics in American History, students will obtain a broad knowledge of America History, covering the major political, economic, and intellectual factors that have shaped American society. This course also aims to expose students to current trends in American History and Historiography and to help students hone their communicative and analytical skills in the English language. Potential topics for the course include Colonization, Revolution and Constitutional Era, Early Republic, Slavery and Civil War, Industrialization and Urbanization, American Imperialism, the World Wars and the United States, the Cold War, and the Civil Rights Movement.










Required Readings: The required readings for this course (including either a course textbook or copies of previous lecture notes) will be on file in the Resource Office (Room 437).




Requirements for participation in this course include an exceptional grasp of English—both written and spoken English. Course lectures, readings, discussions, tests, exams, and written assignments will be in English. Also, all work in this course will be evaluated in terms of content (quantity and quality of information and ideas); analysis (sophistication and thoroughness of explanation); organization (effectiveness and logic of structure); and writing (clarity and grammar).


***This is a certificate course. Upon satisfactorily completing the course, you will receive a document verifying that you have completed the English-language version of the course “Topics in American History.” Participation does not guarantee certification; to receive certification in this course, you must satisfy the criteria as explained in the syllabus. Quizzes, tests, an examination, attendance, topic discussions, and paper assignments will be utilized in assessing whether a student can be certified as having successfully completed the course.



-- This course will cost 3500 rubles for a twenty-four hour semester.

-- Once eight students sign up for the course, class meetings can begin.

-- To sign up for the course or to request more information, call 520-031. 

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