Tomsk State Pedagogical University


The State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation together with representatives of the “Integration” National System  have awarded Valery Obukhov, rector of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University, with diploma for achievements of TSPU representatives in the XI All-Russian competition of youth educational and scientific organizations for the best work "My legislative initiative" 2015-2016 .


Student of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University Chernaya Natalia S. made it through the qualifying round of the All-Russian competition of youth educational institutions and scientific organizations for the best work "My legislative initiative" and...


Students of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University have participated in All-Russian meeting of student squads of the Youth All-Russian public organization «Russian student squads» which took place in a period between 11 and 13 of November in Novosibirsk.

More than 1500 student squads from all over the country – 66 regions, 8 federal districts of Russian Federation – have submitted their entries. Overall around 2000 people have visited the meeting: members of student squads, guests, veterans of student movement and volunteers. On behalf of TSPU there were commander and commissioner of TSPU headquater of student squads Evgenia Ovchinnikova and Daria Sladkina, member of «Danko» squad Elizaveta Mahneva and commander of the youngest TSPU...


A group of students from China have arrived at TSPU to participate in pre-entrance courses. The main objectives of the visit is to pass entrance testing, to find out more about the University where they about to study. During the week in Tomsk the future students have learnt more not only about the University but also about Tomsk, its history and culture. TSPU students have shown visitors student organizations of TSPU and told about activities of Youth center. To celebrate they arrival in Tomsk Chinese students have organized dinner with their curator Ri Cho (Harbin Oil Institute).


"Russian Youth Union" expressed gratitude to TSPU

All-Russian public organization "Russian Youth Union" expressed gratitude to the rector of Tomsk State Pedagogical University for students' participation in social project "Сorps of public observers” the aim of which is to monitor the state final examination in the Russian Federation. This year 33 students of Tomsk State Pedagogical University participated in a public monitoring of the State Final Examination. Russian Youth Union is grateful for the assistance and support of the project and expresses hope for further fruitful cooperation.

Contest for governor robotics cup of Tomsk oblast

The second robotics competitions for the Cup of the Governor of Tomsk Region have begun. They collected more than two hundred participants from the cities of Siberia and Kazakhstan. The competition was attended by teams of Educational robotics center for children of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Students and preschoolers competed in ten different disciplines starting with dancing robots to rally and football. On the neighboring areas robots competed in capture the flag game, rally, race, and pins-ring. Teachers and managers of the Center organized an educational exhibition and conducted a master shop on robots control with infrared sensor and remote control. Great emphasis is put on children robotics in Tomsk. Now the authorities are working on creation of a whole industrial...

Confrontation 2016

Last weekend, Tomsk State Pedagogical University organized and conducted annual mass event - the opening of Intercollegiate command and tactical military-patriotic game "Confrontation 2016". The event was held 05-06 November 2016 in the framework of the state program "Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation 2016-2020" and with the support of the Tomsk Regional public fund to promote the development of physical and patriotic education. This year "Confrontation" was held in a new format: it was conducted in the winter and brought together twelve teams from four universities of the city of Tomsk. The team members of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University, TSU, TPU and TUSUR have met on DOSAAF Air Station in the Golovino village to show...

Teachers and students of the Economics and Management faculty of TSPU participated in the International scientific-practical conference

Students, graduates and teachers of the Department of Economic Theory of the Faculty of Economics and Management (Head. Of Chair, Professor V.V Sizov) took part in the «XVI International scientific-practical conference dedicated to the memory of Honorary Chairman of the Tomsk department of Russian Geographical society, Professor Peter A. Okisheev held in TSU 1 and 2 November 2016.

Master of the Department of Economic Theory Natalia Lisovskaya made the report "Siberian Athens" - a university town "at the round table "Tourism education and entrepreneurial cluster. The possibilities for cooperation." Within the framework of the round table, students and teachers of the faculty have been awarded with note of thanks by the Department of Culture...


The Center for further physico-mathematical and natural-science education of TSPU is actively envolved in Olympiad training. During school holidays, the Centre traditionally organized Olympiad training in physics and mathematics for pupils.

Professor A. N. Apolonskiy (Biysk) held a training during the autumn holidays in The Tomsk pedagogical University which was attended by about 80 students from 8-11 grades. Alexander is a jury member of the regional and final stages of the All-Russian Olympiad in physics, he trained winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad. His students won prizes as part of the Russian team at the International Physics Olympiad. The center cooperates with AN Apolonskiy for five years, since its...

TSPU employees are winners of All-Russian competition "For teacher’s moral achievemen"

Plenary Session of IX Makarius Readings, which was attended by specialists from the Tomsk State Pedagogical University, was held on Tuesday on the basis of Tomsk Orthodox Theological Seminary. According to the tradition, the opening speech was held by the Tomsk and Asino Metropolitan and Rostislav and Bishop of Kolpashevo and Strezhevoy Siluan. During their speech they focused on the main objectives of the Ninth readings, the theme which is connected with the comprehension of the epoch 1917-2017 gg., the lessons of the century for the Tomsk land.

The official part of the meeting continued with awarding the winners of the regional stage of the All-Russian competition "For teacher’s moral achievement"  in education, training and work with school-age children and young...

TSPU is in the list of top 20 best Universities according to «internationalization» parameter in the national rating of universities 2016

According to the regional administration 4 Universities of Tomsk were included in the top 20 list in category "Internationalization" made by National ranking of universities in 2016. Tomsk State Pedagogical University took the 13th place in this list. Ranking was made on the basis of five indicators, such as foreigners in the contingent of students, the organization of international cooperation, global communications, research cooperation and joint educational programs. The National rating involved 238 Russian universities.