Tomsk State Pedagogical University

Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin seeks new contributors

Scientific magazine «Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin» seeks new authors actively involved in modern state of pedagogical sciences and practices, as well as prospects of their development. The magazine is included in the «List of leading review scientific magazines and issues in which the primary scientific results of theses for doctor’s and candidate's academic degree should be published». The list is made by higher certifying commission of Department of Education and Science of Russian federation and aimed for the following specializations:

  • 13.00.00 Pedagogical sciences;
  • 07.00.00 Historical sciences;
  • 10.02.00 linguistics;
  • 10.01.00 philology.

«Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin»...


Scientific magazine «Pedagogical Review» seeks authors involved in pedagogy, teaching methods and psychology. Our magazine is included in the new «List of leading review scientific magazines and issues in which the primary scientific results of theses for doctor’s and candidate's academic degree should be published». The list is made by higher certifying commission of Department of Education and Science of Russian federation and aimed for the following specializations:

  • 13.00.00 Pedagogical sciences
  • 19.00.00 Psychological sciences

«Pedagogical Review» magazine is included in the international database of periodical issues and series Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory» as well as in the Russian index of scientific quoting (RISQ). All...


«Faculty of additional specializations» educational center invites foreign and local students of TSPU to visit a self presentation which takes places on 17 of October at 16:00 in conference room of TSPU library (Gerzen 66 Street)

Program will include:

  1. Self presentation of the Faculty of additional specializations (FAS)
  2. Performances by FAS studios: variety show by violin and cello ensemble (male student group), vocal studio (popular music and folk), dance studio, studio of original song and guitar playing.
  3. Video presentation of dance and musical numbers.
  4. Presentation by teachers. Q&A.


Faculty of technology and entrepreneurship of the Tomsk state pedagogical university invites to participate in the regional exhibition-contest of suit sketch «Silhouette» which takes place between 21 of November and 1 of December 2016 in a scope of young fashion designers contest  «Creative design – 2016». The event will be dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the faculty of technology and entrepreneurship of TSPU. Applications can be submitted between in the period between 3 of October and  16 of November 2016.

More information can be find in the


Employees of Tomsk state pedagogical university have become winners of the regional contest «Laureate of Toms region award in education, science, health care and culture» in 2016. In nomination «Awards to young scientists and research and educational employees, specialists, doctoral candidates and postgraduate students in the age up to 35» the victory went to Zyrianova Olga Vasilevna, candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, associate professor of mathematical analysis department of physico-mathematical faculty (scientific adviser: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor Lavrov P. M.). Prize winner in nomination «Awards to full-time Studying students of higher education institutions» has become Andrienko Elizaveta Yurievna, postgraduate second year student of...


Tomsk state pedagogical university invites students and 9-11grade school students to participate in the social advertisement contest «Serious adverts. Take 11 »

Contest of social videos and printed works «Serious adverts» has become a traditional event for modern youth, who do care about our reality. Everyone who has its own opinion regarding problems of today’s society and who is able to suggest a solution should become a participant of «Serious adverts». With a 40-second video or bright motivating poster participants should demonstrate solution of relevant social problems.

The contest program include two days of professional workshops hosted by leading specialists in cinema, journalism, advertisement and PR, radio and television, photography and...

Rector's congratulation

Dear colleagues!

Happy Teachers’ day!

Teacher is a unique profession that is beyond time and fashion. One can become a teacher only by vocation. Our society has high requirements for teachers because people trust them their children. Teacher should be able to entertain and organize pupils, to make them interested in knowledge, to develop noble feelings of kindness, love to Motherland and respect to the others.

At this day I wish you long and happy life, filled with sunny days and delightful moments brought by your work, talented and thankful pupils.


Rector of the Tomsk...


Dear Valery Vladimirovich! Dear teachers, employees and students of the Tomsk state pedagogical university!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you with your professional holiday!

For more than a century Tomsk state pedagogical university trains specialist to who, citizens of Tomsk and other cities can trust the most precious thing in the world – their children

Your university keeps up with the time. Today your students not only save traditions of pedagogical education, but also have an opportunity to implement new approaches to educational process.

Happy childhood and further destiny of every human depends on teachers, their...


Students of the Tomsk state pedagogical university have supported Tomsk cleaning day action. Members of student squads have worked on the territory of Voroshilov square, Workers’ alley of labor fame and Lebedev street. Students of TSPU along with their colleagues from other educational institutions gathered near the school №4 to clean up the Lebedev street starting from Plehanov street till Kolhoz street. All in all around 200 students were working in the city. The next cleaning day is going to take place in Mikhaylov grove on 8th of October.


The firsts weekend of October second year students of TSPU have spent on 16th festival of sport, creativity and tourism «Startus» that  was taking place from 30th of September till 2nd of October at «Health» center. The festival started with speech by vice-rector for TSPU youth policy and educational work D. B. Nasonov: «Dear participants of "Startus – 2016” I am already delighted to see new ideas that you have realized in your greeting cards – very bright and creative! I wish that all this spirit won’t leave you till the last day of forum because this will be the most important day. I wish you good luck and want to remind you that such events give a great chance to become a star. I hope that  it is your star that will shine on this "Startus" in the name of...