Tomsk State Pedagogical University


Employees of the Tomsk state pedagogical university were awarded with laureate diploma of international contest «The best scientific book in humanities – 2016» in «Pedagogy: theory and methods of teaching and upbringing» nomination for the work «Design and implementation of substantive competence of future teachers via tools of task technology (in terms of Civil rights teachers)» 


The third All-Russian student pedagogical squad (SPQ) forum will take place at children center «Eaglet» from 30th of September to 3rd of October 2016. Tomsk regional department of All-Russian youth social organization «Russian student squads» will be represented by Evgeniya Ovchinnikova, leader of TSPU SPQ «Danko» along with her collegues from SPQ «Youth» and SPQ «SPMS». Besides the representatives of «Danko», the best student pedagogical squad of 2015, more than 300 people  from 40 regions of Russia will participate in the event, including regional leaders, commanders, commissars, SPQ methodists, the best participants of «Russian student squads projects» in 2016. The distinctive feature of the third forum will be participation of representatives of Russian school...

Grand ethnographical quiz at TSPU

Tomsk state pedagogical university joins an All-Russian action «Grand ethnographical quiz» that will take place on 4 October 2016 at 11.00 am in all the subjects of Russian Federation. Everyone who speak Russian and aged from 15 may come to the following addresses: 75 Komsomolsky prospect, room 335 (1st building of TSPU) and 15/1 Karl Ilmera Street room 217 (8th building of TSPU). The quiz will include 30 questions. The tasks will be divided in two parts: federal and regional. Participants will have limited time to complete quiz. The maximum score one can get is 100.

There will be online test on the web-site of «Grand ethnographical quiz» (  For those ones who can’t test their...


On Tuesday the «Temperance lesson» was held for TSPU students at third dormitory. Initiators of the event were members of federal project «Sober Russia», who together with the activists of TSPU Center of patriotic education organize «temperance lessons» for school and university students of Tomsk and Tomsk region. As organizers say the main goal of the lesson is to provide fullest information about consequences of anti-healthy lifestyle. During the lesson TSPU students have heard story by participant of the «Tomsk winter swimmers» movement and watched documentaries that once more reminded them that healthy life-style gives us unlimited possibilities and power for self-realization. 

Scientific publications by historical and philological faculty

TSPU historical and philological faculty has published the first volume of multi-authored monograph «Siberian literature for children and youth: tendencies and context of development (1950-2010)» edited by Head of department of literature and methods of literature teaching Elena Alexandrovna Polevaya. The research was conducted with the support of Russian humane scientific fund in scope of scientific project «Works of Siberian writers and Siberia in literature of XX – XXI centuries for children and youth» (for more details about the project please check the issue of “Tomsk teacher” newspaper dated 30 January 2016). The monograph greatly contributes to study of children and youth Siberian literature. This issue is intended for high and middle school teachers,...

How to make science fun and accessible?

During the last 5 years teachers of the Tomsk state pedagogical university have been realizing the project of «TSPU center for additional physico-mathematical and natural-science education» that should enhance the prestige of physico-mathematical education. Each year school students gather at Center and attend lectures conducted by talented teachers and scientists of the University, solve extraordinary tasks, conduct exciting experiments and prepare themselves to Basic State Examination and Unified State Exam introducing themselves to amazing world of science.

It is necessary to make children interested in studying natural sciences and mathematics! Starting from the 5th grade school students are able to comprehend natural-science theories. How to...

Grand ethnographical quiz

TSPU invites you to participate in all-Russian educational event "Grand ethnographical quiz ", which will take place on the 4th of October 2016 at 11.00 in each subject of Russian Federation. You can join the quiz at TSPU facilities: 75 Komsomolsky prospect room 335 and 15/1 Karl Ilmera Street room 217.

Prospects of "City summer" were discussed at TSPU

Tomsk deputy mayor for social policy Tatiana Domnich has met with the representatives of Tomsk state pedagogical university, members of youth policy administration and education department. During the meeting, the further realization of “City summer” project was discussed. During July and August leaders of “City summer” were organizing sport events, games, competitions and workshops for those kids who stayed in Tomsk. For the 4 seasons student squad has been organizing summer activities for children in 32 yards of the city. In 2016 24 TSPU students participated in project and organized activities for more than 700 children of Tomsk. Results of “City summer” and prospects of the project in 2017 were discussed during the meeting in city hall. 

"We need to...

Popular science lecture at TSPU

TSPU center for additional physico-mathematical and natural-science education invites schoolchildren, students, teachers and for all comers to participate in popular science lecture “What is worth to catch in science and what one can catch there” which takes place on the 11th of October at 16.00.

Lecturer – Sergey Vladimirovich Abdrashitov, employee of TSPU centre for additional physico-mathematical and natural-science education.

During the lecture you will find out:

  • What can be considered as science and what is not.
  • Why is good to get along with science even if you are not a scientist.
  • How to become a scientist if you really want to.
  • Prospects of being a...

Election quiz at TSPU

The deputy chairman of Tomsk region election committee Korf Elena Anatolievna has visited Tomsk state pedagogical university last Tuesday. She met with the students of faculty of economics and management studying “Law” profile  in order to provide information about coming elections.

The meeting was held in form of a quiz on “Election to State Duma of Tomsk region”, that was organized by Elena Anatolievna together with the representatives of Tomsk municipal election committee (Romanova K. A.) and teachers of Civil Law department of TSPU (Head of department Kindyashova A. S., senior teacher Choibsoniva C. B.). 

In the course of the quiz students have not only showed their knowledge and interest in the coming...