Tomsk State Pedagogical University

China delegation in TSPU

The delegation of the Harbin Institute of Oil (Harbin, China) has paid a visit to TSPU today. Along with the Vice-Rector, Director of the Institute of Economics and Management Feng Yan, Tomsk was attended by representatives of the Institute of Arts, culture and arts of China. The main purpose of the visit is to get acquainted with the educational complex of Tomsk, as well as with the Tomsk State Pedagogical University. An extensive business program has been prepared for the guests. Colleagues from Harbin City have already visited some faculties of TSPU, that are of interest of Chinese youth, such as the department of culture and arts, history and philology, faculty of technology and business. The museum complex of the Tomsk State Pedagogical has also attracted interest of China...

Happy Youth Day!

We congratulate citizens of Tomsk on Youth Day! This festival has always taken a special place in the calendar of Tomsk events. And it is natural, at the moment, the share of Tomsk citizens aged from 18 to 40 years exceeds 40 percent of the total Tomsk population. More than 80 thousand students are studying at the universities and secondary specialized educational institutions of our city. There are more than 50 thousand students studying in our schools. Young promising professionals take positions on city's enterprises each year. Energy of young people, their inquisitive mind, ability to come up with new ideas and to think outside the box are come in handy in all branches of science and industry. The future of our city and the whole country depends on the knowledge, skills...


Tomsk State Pedagogical University - is not only an institution that trains highly qualified teachers and mentors. We also provide a versatile personality development: among the graduates of TSPU there are Olympic champions, influential figures of culture and art, economists, businessmen and even successful representatives of fashion industry. The staff and students of the "Faculty of additional jobs" educational center  under the supervision of the Director M. V. Galich annually become the organizers and participants of various events dedicated to such activities as style and design. On Tuesday representatives of the State Pedagogical University have received another award for thier work. Head of Consumer Market Department of the Administration of the Tomsk region Chubenko...


Tomsk State Pedagogical University has considerably exceeded the threshold values of all the parameters of higher education institutions' effectivnes in 2016, published by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. According to the average score of the unified state exam in 2015 TSPU is ranked 1st among Russian pedagogical universities. According to the share of foreign students TSPU takes the 1st place among pedagogical universities in the country.

Monitoring was held on the basis of the following parameters of higher education institution:

  • E.1 Educational activities
  • E.2 Scientific and research activities
  • E.3 International activities
  • E.4 Financial and economic activities
  • E.5 Income of academic...

"Worried parents" project was launched in TSPU

Students and teachers of the Faculty of Economics and Management of TSPU are participating in the "Worried parents" project, which started on 20 June 2016 with the support of the Tourist Information Center of the Tomsk Administration. The project is engaged within urban tourism educational and entrepreneurial clusters. On the eve of the project's start there was a meeting of the organizing committee, which discussed the content and implementation of the project. In addition to information about the city, which is advisory in nature, applicants and parents have received free maps of the city, to explore the city, where the future students are going to study and live. Students undergoing "Tourism" educational program have prepared tours for applicants and their parents and...

applicants, TSPU is waiting for you!

Tomsk State Pedagogical University is working hard because today on June 20, started a campaign reception university. The first day of TSPU acceptance board has started fruitfully:  early in the morning applicants - graduates of schools and colleges - were waiting for TSPU experts in the halls of the University. According to the existing tradition, university staff congratulated the first applicant with souvenirs. This year's first applicant was Fakeev Basil, a graduate of the Tomsk radiomechanical vocational school number 16. The young man applied for the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Basil wants to connect his life with sports and higher education, obtained at the Tomsk State Pedagogical Universit is an essential step towards...

Eighty season of TSPU student club will be closed in style!

"The feast of the people who create fests" - this is how the activists of the Student Club of Tomsk State Pedagogical University called  the closing of the eighty anniversary of TSPU student club. The event is going to be momentous: TSPU will host a several generations of activists, who have made a bright contribution to the history of the university, have been creating a festivous atmosphere, made student life interesting and rich. For 80 years Student club of TSPU have been actively working to engage students in extracurricular activities as well as contributing to the comprehensive development of young people, helping future teachers to become energetic enterprising individuals who are ready for new creative and professional achievements. It's time for a meeting of...

TSPU admission campaign

The first month of summer is about to end, which means that the Tomsk State Pedagogical University is  preparing for the start of the admission campaign 2016. Traditionally TSPU is one of the first institutions of the city, opening its doors for applicants. And this year is no exception: on Monday, June 20 starting at 9.00 a.m the acceptance board will be ready to answer any questions of school and college leavers as well as to tell future students about the features of each of the ten faculties of the university and, of course, help with registration of necessary documents. Reception of application to the Tomsk State Pedagogical University will be proceed until 26 July for the applicants who apply on the basis of Unified State Examination results, and until July 14 for...


Department for Economic Theory of the Faculty of Economics and Management of TSPU tin cooperation with the Center of youth tourism of TSPU organized a workshop on the creation of innovative platforms for pupils and students on the basis of Semiluzhensky village. The main objective of the lesson was to study the Siberian cultural traditions. As part of the workshop students have got to know the life of people of the XVII century, have tried to create antient objects of everyday life (like poker), have put on an old Russian armor of the XIX and XX centuries. Students saw Semiluzhinsky village, as a resource for tourism and recreation destination and proposed options for further cooperation with Vladimir Ilyin - head of Semiluzhensky villalge. The result of this event was a...

Volkov's 125th anniversary

Today we celebrate 125 birthday of Russian Soviet writer, storyteller, playwright Alexander Volkov, who completed "Mathematics" course at theTomsk Pedagogical Institute.Everyone knows Volkov's famous tale "The Wizard of Oz", but only few realize that it is written about our city Tomsk. Alexander had this idea back in 1907, when the future writer, arrived in Tomsk from Ust-Kamenogorsk (Kazakhstan), completed the training course and became student of the Tomsk Teachers' Institute (now Tomsk State Pedagogical University). After graduating and getting permission to teach in  higher primary schools, Volkov returned to his native Ust-Kamenogorsk, and became teacher in the school from which he earlier graduated. The desire to deepen the knowledge of foreign languages has motivated...