Tomsk State Pedagogical University

TSPU awards

The employee of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University, executive officer of Staff of the Civil Defense, the Commissioner for Civil Defense and Emergency of TSPU Anatoly Dmitrievich Zhulin was awarded the diploma of the Main Department of the Russian Ministry for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters in the Tomsk region for the diligent and effective work, quality performance of his duties and operational objectives.


Around 90% of TSPU employer-sponsored students will work at Tomsk schools

According to representatives of the university around 90% of applicants who have entered Tomsk state pedagogical university in 2016 under employer-sponsored program are going to work at schools of Tomsk regions after graduation. As it was mentioned earlier: there has been significant shortage of pedagogical staff in Tomsk region during the last decades. In order to solve this problem nearly the half of 358 budgetary seats in TSPU are allocated for applicants that apply under the employer-sponsored program (employer pays for education of a student and the latter is obliged to work for the employer). "Although the Tomsk region in our main requester, we also have employer-sponsored students from other regions, like Altai and Kemerovskaya Oblast'. But still 90% of such students came...

Members of TSPU admission committee has met with the colleagues at the RIA Tomsk conference

Annual conference devoted to the results of admission campaign held in Tomsk universities took place on August 5th at RIA Tomsk agency. TSPU side was presented by Andrey Yurievich Mikhailichenko director of admission department and social work of TSPU. Although there is a one more admission wave awaiting the applicants, the majority of them (80% of applicants) have successfully enrolled in Tomsk universities. In view of that, it was possible to sum up the results of this year’s admission campaign, which were discussed during the conference.

Mikhailichenko: "According to the number of applications the statistic of the Tomsk Pedagogical remains at a high level as usual. “History” and “Social Studies" course of pedagogical education...

Forces forming Universe are being discussed at TSPU international physics conference

International conference on theoretical physics has started at TSPU. The conference is focused on the modern achievements in string theory, gravitation theory, cosmology, theory of physical processes in external fields. Recently the development of theoretical high-energy physics has been greatly influenced by string theory, that allows to develop an unified theory of fundamental interactions. The achievements in string theory allowed scientists to introduce a new concept of “Theory of everything” or TOE. Physics department of TSPU has been working on this problem for many years, that is why the 10th annual international conference devoted to the latest achievements in theoretical physics took place at Tomsk state pedagogical university. According to the string theory, the primary...

TSPU will train teachers for Volga region

For the first time TSPU has received an application for employer-sponsored education from the Saratov Region. A young man joined the faculty of history and philology of TSPU. In Tomsk he is going to get a pedagogical education in "Russian language" and "Literature". "There are more students applying for employer-sponsored education compared to the previous year. Among them students from Tomsk region, Kemerovo region, Tyva Republic, Gorny Altai and so on. For the firs time we have received an application from the Saratov Region, the most distant region for now" – said Roman Ritter, chef of the TSPU admission campaign. Around 358 state-funded places are allocated for employer-sponsored education in 2016. According to the contract, the future employer is paying for education...

International conference on theoretical physics takes place in TSPU

At the beginning of August the annual international conference on theoretical physics "Quantum field theory and gravitation" will start at TSPU. This year the event organized by the Centre for theoretical physics of TSPU and held at TSPU facilities will mark its 10th anniversary. The conference is devoted to discussion of the latest achievements in the gauge field theory, supersymmetric quantum field theory, string theory, the theory of higher-spin fields, gravitation, cosmology, theory of physical processes in external fields. Scientists from Moscow, Dubna, Protvino, Kazan, Novosibirsk, Tomsk will gather in TSPU in order to participate in the conference. Among the foreign participants there will be speakers from Armenia, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Britain, Germany, Greece, Italy,...

Work of TSPU students' teams was highly appreciated by the mayor

Ivan Klein has monitored the activities of students' teams involved in TPSU project “Summer in the city”. All summer long TSPU students have been working with kids who could not spend holiday at camps or out of town. Games, workshops and sport events are being organized for such kids. Around one thousand children are involved in such events. A total of 24 TSPU students are engaged in “Summer in the city” project in 2016. There are eight playgrounds that are operating simultaneously (two for each district) that makes 32 playgrounds for four seasons. Chef of administration for youth policy Yevgeny Vagner told mayor that each playground was inspected by the city hall specialists to make sure that they safe and suitable for such events. “On average we have 20-30 kids on...

Students of the faculty of history and philology have completed archaeological practice.

Students and employees of the faculty of history and philology of Tomsk state pedagogical university along with the representatives of Shatilov Tomsk regional museum and colleagues from Tomsk state university have visited Kulaika mountain in Chainsk area of the Tomsk region. The goal of the trip was to inspect the results of archeological dig that was carried out by large group of students headed by Dmitry Y. Rybakov, candidate of historical sciences, assistant of department of archaeology and ethnology of TSPU. The group has visited the camp of the archeological expedition situated in picturesque spot near the Chai river. Rybakov conducted a little excursion, showed dig sites and shared his thoughts on the possibility of detection of Kulai bronze in the area of Kulaika mountain...

The “Worried parents” project is finished

The “Worried parents” project, which was supported by the Tourist informational center of Tomsk administration, was finished on 15 July. 12 tours for applicants and their parents were held in scope of the project. Students of the economic theory of the economic and management faculty (head of the faculty professor V.V. Sizov) of TSPU (Irina Nikitina and Nataliya Gorina) have showed and told about one of the leading pedagogical universities in Russia in interesting and entertaining way. They told about history of TSPU, described the application procedure, showed the educational facilities, library, faculty of additional professions and other objects. This projects is going to take place each year and all the institutes of higher education and secondary specialized...


Sergey Markovich Pergamenshchikov, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics of the Rouen University (France) have visited TSPU within the scope of joint project between the Center for additional physical and mathematical and natural education of TSPU and Tomsk physicotechnical vocational school. During the first days of the rich event schedule our dear guest has acquainted with the Pedagogical university: he has visited TSPU exhibit rooms and museums, which offer a detailed hindsight of educational, scientific, social and international activities of the University. After the tour Mr. Pergamenshchikov had a meeting with the rector of TSPU Valery Obukhov. During the meeting, counterparts have discussed meaning and prospects of cooperation between TSPU and TSU in the field of mathematics...