Tomsk State Pedagogical University

Rector of the TSPU V. Obukhov was awarded with the medal "In memory of the 1000th anniversary of the repose of Vladimir the Great"

On 17 May 2016 metropolitan Rostislav on behalf of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill had awarded   the rector of Tomsk State Pedagogical University Valery Obukhov with the anniversary medal for his contribution to educational activities in the region, for his selfless work and responsibility for education of today's youth. Award ceremony was held in the great hall of the Tomsk region administration.Metropolitan Rostislav: "The contribution that you, Valery, have made and will make for the benefit of education, as a pedagogical university rector, is great and noble."


Anniversary medal "In memory of the 1000th anniversary  of the repose of Vladimir Sviatoslavich the Great," is  established by decree of His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow...

Tomsk region governor have visited Tomsk State Pedagogical University

Tomsk region governor S. A. Zhvachkin have visited Tomsk State Pedagogical University and met with the administration of the University, teachers, scientists, students and social activists. After a brief tour of the university, which has hosted by the rector of Tomsk State Pedagogical University Professor Valery Obukhov, governor had met with scientific and educational communities and student activists of TSPU. Everyone had an opportunity to ask a question to Sergey Anatolievich, because, considering a sufficient rise of student social activities and volunteer movements it is a high time to encourage initiative and independence of young people. Students were interested in the prospect of construction of the hostel near the Education building № 8, and the governor answered “in...

TSPU students took part in XXVΙ spiritual and historical readings

Students and teachers of the Department of Economic Theory and Geography along with the TSPU Center of Youth Tourism have actively participated in XXVΙ spiritual and historical readings in memory of Saints Cyril and Methodius "Tradition and innovation: culture, society and personality." The opening of the Days of Slavic Written Language and Culture was held on 17 May 2016 in the building of the Tomsk Oblast Administration. On 20 May the two departments of Faculty of Economics and Management had organized the round table "The spiritual and historical traditions of the national education and upbringing on the examples of native land culture." Among the guests were monk-priest Ambrose (Kuznetsov) of Aleksiyevskiy Monastery of the Mother of God,  the chairman of committee...

The exhibition dedicated to the revival and defense of our country will be held in TSPU

The patriotic exhibition will be held at the Tomsk State Pedagogical University Scientific Library on 25 May 2016. The exhibition will feature portraits of ancestors, grandfathers, grandmothers, fathers, mothers, people who defended our country during the First World War and The Great Patriotic War. The people who built our country, revived it after the terrible years, raised their children - us, our brothers and sisters, their grandchildren. The "Immortal regiment" march, originally formed in Tomsk, have become a nationwide event. The exhibition has the same idea as the "Immortal regiment": to refresh the memory of generations using photographs, documents and stories of our homeland’s past. In every family there are portraits, shots of relatives and loved ones. As experts...


The innovative art center for youth «Solnechnyi» will open at TSPU on 24 May 2016. This center will be situated on the territory of TSPU academic building №8 (Karl Ilmer Street 15/1).  A standard set of equipment by FabLab will be used in the center. Specialists of the center are going organize masterclasses for pupils in robotic technology as well as lessons on various topics: 3D print, basics of programming, «School of Digital Technologies» and «Programming of Arduino robots» courses. Employees of «Solnechnyi» will also provide technical and engineering service. According to the press service of the Tomsk administration the innovative art center for youth «Solnechnyi» was financed by the city administration in December last year within the measures aimed to...


One of the most significant chess events – Open Chess Tournament for TSPU Cup – took place in Tomsk State Pedagogical University. The two days of the Tournament were filled with exciting professional events. The Tournament had started with the conference «Chess is the key for innovations?!” which was attended by teachers, chess coaches of Tomsk Region schools, representatives of robotics centers,  principles of Youth Sports Schools and TSPU centers, administrative centers of additional education of kids, students, postgraduate students, veteran chess players and representatives of the Tomsk Duma. The topics picked by the participants involved both general issues of chess education in educational institutions and kindergartens as well as training of professional chess...

Cooperation with Auezov South-Kazakhstan State University

These days TSPU is hosting 28 students from Auezov South-Kazakhstan State University. The graduate students have arrived for internship at the Department of Biology and Chemistry, Department of Philology and History, Department of Entrepreneurship and Economics and Department of Mathematics and Physics. This year besides the scientific and academic programs TSPU has prepared a number of activities in the university youth center. The internship will continue until March 25, 2016.


Last year was eventful for Tomsk State Pedagogical University: TSPU is included into the ten most popular Russian humanitarian universities; on the results of monitoring of universities' efficiency Tomsk State Pedagogical University exceeds threshold levels on all indicators; Institute of Educational System Development of Russian Academy of Education was included into the structure of University, three journals were included into the new list of HAC, and one into Russian Science Citation Index. Students of TSPU successfully presented Tomsk oblast at Festival «Students' Spring 2015» and entered three of the best, and Pedagogical band «Danko» was acknowledged the best in Russia!

Sports successes of students of Physical Culture and Sports Faculty became a great ending of the...


The Minister of Culture of Tajikistan Republic expressed his gratitude to Tomsk State Pedagogical University personally to V.V. Obukhov for training a highly qualified professionals in the field of culture and also for assistance in organization of an exhibition for tajikistan young artists, pupils of the member of Russian Artists Association G.G. Stepan. 

Exhibition of young artists' paintings from Tajikistan took place in Tomsk last autumn. Active participation in organization of the event took the Director of TSPU Institute of Eurasian Cooperation, students and staff members of the Faculty of Culture and Arts and pupils of TSPU International Euro-Asian Adaptive Educational Center.




Professor of Tomsk State Pedagogical University Sergey Dmitrievich Odintsov is named one of the most authoritative scientists of the world in 2015 according to the version of leading informational company Thomson Reuters.

Rating was composed on the basis of information and analysis of scientists' citation in 21 scientific fields since 2003 to 2013. Analysts estimated more than 120 thousands of articles.


The list includes only three representatives of Russia, among whom theoretical physicist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical sciences, TSPU Professor S.D. Odintsov. 

February 12, 2016